Seek Justice After A Wrongful Death
Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things a person can go through in life. It triggers an emotional experience of grief, anger, and despair that can last for months or years. It is even more painful when the death of your friend or family member was caused by someone else’s negligence or malice.

As you cope with your grief and try to move on with life, speaking with a lawyer may be the farthest thing from your mind. But it may be the only way to seek justice on behalf of a loved one no longer here to seek it on his or her own. No one can bring the person you have lost back to life, but there is some consolation in holding a responsible party accountable through financial compensation. Furthermore, that compensation may be crucial in making ends meet after losing the income of a spouse or other family member.
At Wilcoxen Callaham, LLP we will help you to seek justice and hold accountable the person or people responsible for your loved one’s death.
Wrongful Death Lawyers Serving Northern California
Whether the tragedy was the result of a medical error, car accident, fall, defective product or another cause, it may be possible to get compensation if it can be proven that another person’s actions caused the death.
Our attorneys at Wilcoxen Callaham, LLP are experienced in wrongful death cases. We have taken on and won cases for families devastated by the sudden loss of a spouse, parent, child or another family member. Compensation may also be awarded for the loss of future income and support from the deceased, in addition to damages for your family’s suffering and grief.
Proven Results
Wrongful Death – $3M: In a wrongful death action against a physician over the negligent removal of a pacemaker. Obtained a $3 million verdict against the hospital. It was the largest medical malpractice verdict ever in that county.
Police Wrongful Death – $3.15M.
Contact Wilcoxen Callaham, LLP, online or call 916-442-2777, for a free initial consultation. We cannot prevent an injury, but we will work hard to ensure that you get the full compensation to which you are entitled.